Diablo IV 2.1 Patch Detailed: Armory, Witchcraft Powers and More

Alessio Palumbo 2024-11-28 00:09:00

Yesterday, Blizzard Entertainment hosted a Campfire Chat with Diablo IV developers to discuss the upcoming 2.1 patch that will go live on the Public Test Realm between December 3 and 10, exclusively on PC's Battle.net.

The team talked about the main features and new content that will be in the new update, starting with the long-awaited Armory feature, which allows players to save and switch between different builds easily without any respeccing costs. With the Armory, Blizzard seeks to improve player flexibility in the endgame content. They noted that controller support for the feature would not be available right away, though. Worries about accidentally selling items saved in the Armory were put to rest, too, with the developers assuring players that saved items will be favorited automatically to prevent any accidental sales. They will also have an icon indicating they are part of a saved build.

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The other highlight of Diablo IV Patch 2.1 is the new system based on Witchcraft powers. Players will engage with witches around the Tree of Whispers, offering a new currency called Restless Rot (earned after defeating the new Headrotten enemies) at altars to learn new witchcraft abilities through a streamlined menu system. The season also introduces a reputation system called Covens Favor for unlocking rewards, including new witchcraft powers. Additionally, players can discover lost powers by finding Forgotten Altars in the world. Over 20 powers will be available, with popular options like the poison frog summon, Doom orb, and vengeful servant. Another Witchcraft Power called Pano sucks enemies into a swirling vortex of destruction.

Players will find Headrotten enemies through the new seasonal activity called Headhunts, earning the new Occult Gems as rewards. These gems are special socketables that boost defense and provide unique effects to fine-tune player builds. The developers showcased examples of occult gems like Elder Sigil, Killing Wind, and Dust Stone, each offering different bonuses based on player preferences and playstyle. Additionally, quality-of-life improvements have been made to the town around the Tree of Whispers, adding more services and streamlining navigation to enhance the player experience during Headhunts. Of course, Diablo IV Patch 2.1 will also come with a plethora of class changes and overhauls. The full patch notes will be released on Wednesday, November 27.

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