Yu-Gi-Oh: Early Days Collection Game List Leaks Online

J Brodie Shirey 2024-11-27 16:45:12

The full game list for the upcoming Yu-Gi-Oh: Early Days Collection may have just been leaked online. Back in February, Konami announced that it was releasing a compilation of some of the earliest Yu-Gi-Oh video games on Steam and Nintendo Switch next year in honor of the franchise’s 25th anniversary, including some that predate the physical Yu-Gi-Oh trading card game by several years. While the Yu-Gi-Oh: Early Days Collection was initially only announced for Japan, it was later confirmed that the compilation would also be released in Europe and the United States on February 27, 2025.

This will mark the first time that some of the games already confirmed for Yu-Gi-Oh: Early Days Collection will be localized and released outside of Japan, including the original Yu-Gi-Oh: Duel Monsters for the Game Boy and its sequels. In October, it was revealed that Game Boy Advance entries like 2002’s well-received Yu-Gi-Oh: The Eternal Duelist Soul, The Sacred Cards, and the notoriously difficult Reshef of Destruction will be included in the Yu-Gi-Oh: Early Days Collection, making it even more enticing for nostalgic fans who grew up during the franchise’s mid-2000s heyday.

A promotional image for Yu-Gi-Oh Master Duel showing the game's logo.
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Now it seems that the entire list of games in the upcoming Yu-Gi-Oh: Early Days Collection has been leaked online, as reported by Twitter user Nintendeal. According to this leak, the collection will include a total of 14 classic Yu-Gi-Oh games, with the new additions being Yu-Gi-Oh: Monster Capsule GB (which features one of the Yu-Gi-Oh manga’s earlier games in addition to Duel Monsters), Yu-Gi-Oh: Dungeon Dice Monsters (which is centered around the titular game introduced after the “Duelist Kingdom” arc), Worldwide Edition: Stairway to the Destined Duel, World Championship Tournament 2004, Destiny Board Traveler, and 7 Trials to Glory: World Championship Tournament 2005.

Leaked Yu-Gi-Oh: Early Days Collection Game List

  • Duel Monsters (Game Boy, 1998)
  • Duel Monsters II: Dark Duel Stories (Game Boy Color, 1999)
  • Monster Capsule GB (Game Boy Color, 2000)
  • Dark Duel Stories (Game Boy Color, 2000)
  • Duel Monsters 4: Battle of Great Duelist (Game Boy Color, 2000)
  • Dungeon Dice Monsters (Game Boy Advance, 2001)
  • The Eternal Duelist Soul (Game Boy Advance, 2001)
  • Duel Monsters 6 Expert 2 (Game Boy Advance, 2001)
  • The Sacred Cards (Game Boy Advance, 2002)
  • Reshef of Destruction (Game Boy Advance, 2003)
  • Worldwide Edition: Stairway to the Destined Duel (Game Boy Advance, 2003)
  • World Championship Tournament 2004 (Game Boy Advance, 2004)
  • Destiny Board Traveler (Game Boy Advance, 2004)
  • 7 Trials to Glory: World Championship Tournament 2005 (Game Boy Advance, 2004)

This list comes from the back of the physical Yu-Gi-Oh: Early Days Collection release for the Nintendo Switch, which was apparently shared online way ahead of the game’s February 27, 2005 launch. In true Yu-Gi-Oh fashion, this physical edition will come packed with special Yu-Gi-Oh promotional trading cards, with the English version getting two versions of the classic “Harpy’s Feather Duster” card and Japanese fans getting access to “Perfectly Ultimate Great Moth” and "Seiyaryu."

From this newly leaked list, it appears that Yu-Gi-Oh: Early Days Collection covers a full range of titles from the Game Boy, Game Boy Color, and Game Boy Advance eras, but fans have noted that some of Yu-Gi-Oh’s most remembered console titles (such as the original PlayStation’s Yu-Gi-Oh: Forbidden Memories) are missing. Perhaps Konami will release a second collection of Yu-Gi-Oh games featuring these classic titles should Yu-Gi-Oh: Early Days Collection prove successful when it hits stores early next year.

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