Pokemon and Build-a-Bear are partnering up once more, this time introducing a Riolu Build-a-Bear plush. As usual, the toy will be exclusive to Build-a-Bear, and popular pocket monsters often sell out, so Pokemon fans shouldn't wait too long to secure one if they count Riolu among their favorites.
Introduced back in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl, Riolu is the baby form of Lucario, one of the series' popular Pokemon. While Lucario is typically seen as more popular than Riolu, the evolved form surprisingly lacks a Build-a-Bear to this day. Build-a-Bear previously celebrated Lucario in part by giving Charmander a Lucario hoodie that it could wear, but this is the first time that the Pokemon's evolutionary line has really been brought to life by the plush company.

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Pokemon fans can now pick up Riolu from Build-a-Bear, the latest Pokemon to join the company following the release of the Cubone Build-a-Bear in October. As with all Pokemon Build-a-Bears, there's more to it than a simple plush toy. In addition to the base plush, Riolu also includes a custom hoodie it can wear and a 5-in-1 audio chip that allows it to "speak," with recordings of its voice clips that play through the plush. The hoodie is a bit simple in its design, appearing primarily white with a Poke Ball design in the center breaking up the otherwise blank canvas. Those who are interested can pick up the Riolu Build-a-Bear for $57 USD.
The Pokemon Build-a-Bear Line Keeps Growing
Pokemon and Build-a-Bear got their partnership started back in 2015, so the two companies' partnership is coming up on its decade anniversary. Of course, the creations got their start with Pikachu, the series' mascot. With the plush toys immediately being a success, other iconic starters, Eeveelutions, and popular Pokemon like Jigglypuff have also joined the line-up over the years.
For the moment, what the future holds or the two companies beyond Riolu remains unknown. There are sometimes leaks and hints provided in advance of the introduction of new Pokemon at Build-a-Bear, so fans should keep an eye out for those. While the plans aren't known, many fans are likely hoping for the return of some discontinued Build-a-Bear toys that haven't been made available for years to return in honor of the decade anniversary. Even reintroducing some of the additional outfits that were released over the years, if not the plushes themselves, would likely win over some ardent Pokemon fanatics.