Dragon's Dogma 2 PlayStation 5 Pro Patch is Now Live, Adding PSSR and Balanced Graphics Options

Francesco De Meo 2024-12-02 13:09:07

A new Dragon's Dogma 2 patch is now live on PC and consoles, introducing PlayStation 5 Pro support alongside some other changes and fixes.

Following the October 31st patch, the latest entry in the series by CAPCOM released earlier this year will be able to take advantage of the increased power and new features of the mid-generation console by Sony launching next week. The patch adds a PlayStation Spectral Super Resolution option to the Graphics section in the Options menu, and a Balanced option will be found under Graphics Quality in the Graphics section of the Options menu.

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As mentioned above, the Dragon's Dogma 2 latest patch also fixes some quests, Pawn, minimap, and spell issues. You can find all the changes introduced by today's patch by heading over to the game's official website.

Dragon's Dogma 2 is now available on PC, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X, and Xbox Series S. You can learn more about the game by checking out Alessio's review.

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