FFXIV: Dawntrail Patch 7.1 Gets 12 November Launch Date

Amy Eastland 2024-12-02 13:09:03

During today's letter from the Producer LIVE broadcast, it was revealed that patch 7.1, named "Crossroads," will be released on November 12. Along with the release date announcement for FFXIV: Dawntrail's first major update, a new trailer was released to showcase some of the content that would be coming with the update, including the highly anticipated crossover raid with Final Fantasy 11. If you are playing FFXIV: Dawntrail and want to see what you can expect in the upcoming patch, make sure to check out the trailer below.

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The trailer is a little over three minutes long and showcases the "Echoes of Vana'diel" crossover Alliance raid with Final Fantasy XI, Square Enix's first MMORPG. The first raid in the series will be called "Jeuno: The First Walk," which will be implemented into the upcoming patch, seeing both iconic worlds of FFXIV and Final Fantasy XI come together to create an iconic 24-player battle. Players will get to immerse themselves in the world of Vana'diel in this first part of the Alliance Raid, with additional wings of the raid to follow in the future.

In addition, Naoki Yoshida (Yoshi-P) also showcased the upcoming Ultimate difficulty 8-player raid, which will be in patch 7.11. This is quite a way off yet, but it gets players excited about the upcoming content that will be added in future patches. Additionally, players got a look at the first Chaotic difficulty 24-player battle content, which will be arriving one week after patch 7.15.

Getting into the nitty-gritty of what's to come in patch 7.1 of FFXIV: Dawntrail, there is something for everyone to dive into. As with most new major patches, players will be able to continue the Main Scenario Quests (MSQ).

For those who prefer group content and like to try and get new gear, there will be a new dungeon named Yuweyawata Field Station to delve into. As mentioned above, there is also the Echoes of Vana'diel - Jeuno: The First Walk 24-player Alliance Raid. In addition, there is also a new trial named The Minstrel's Ballad: Sphene's Burden.

The new content added will be at the baseline difficulty level to allow players time to get used to the mechanics without having to worry about an increase in difficulty. However, for those who prefer a challenge, there is also the new Unreal Trial, which will see you face off against Byakko in The Jade Stoa trial at level 100.

There will also be a new Ultimate Raid for those who like to work in a bigger group of people to take down objectives, and this will take players into the Futures Rewritten Ultimate Raid. This is just the tip of the iceberg of content that is available, as there will also be other sidequests and quests for characters such as Hildibrand, as well as new player housing updates for those who like to have a customized area to stay in.

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