Titan Quest II Dev Diary Shares Details About Skills And Modifiers

Amy Eastland 2024-12-02 13:08:52

In a new developer diary for Titan Quest II, those who are excited about the game get to find out more about the Skills and Modifiers that will be available in the game. Players will be given a chance to combine any two masteries to create their own class to help them stand out from the ground and provide them with a unique class. When Early Access begins (which is slated for Winter 2024), players will have access to Earth, Storm, and Warfare masteries. As the game begins to be updated during the Early Access period, there will be more masteries available, providing new and returning players with the opportunity to mix up their class type further and create something new.

In the new Titan Quest II dev diary, players are given a preview into some of the skills that will be available, alongside the modifiers that can drastically change the game for the player. While some of the Modifiers available are passive tweaks that work in the background, some of them are active, and can turn an attack from a sweeping strike into a whirlwind attack, for example.

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When it comes to skills, players will be able to equip a maximum of 10 skills to the ability bar, allowing for a varied playstyle. This means that you can have a primary damage type and have your other skills be defensive and supportive skills that can provide synergies to your damaging skills. Of course, as previously mentioned, there will be skill trees for players to explore, which helps players decide between active or passive skills and modifiers, which can help bring your character from zero to hero.

In the dev diary that is posted on the Steam blog, there are videos that show examples of how the different masteries work and how the modifiers interact with the different masteries. For example, there is a video that shows off Earth Mastery and how you can use modifiers to create a Lava Fissure skill that produces a line AoE on the floor, dealing strike damage to your enemy, as well as dealing fire damage. Of course, since the skill has been modified, it will cost extra energy. There are also further tweaks you can make, such as the Additional Fissures modifier which reduces your overall damage, but allows you to spawn in extra fissures to cover more ground.

There are plans to showcase more gameplay footage in the future, when more dev diaries are released for Titan Quest II.

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