Michael Gamble, project leader for the next Mass Effect game, recently suggested that new fans check out the Lair of the Shadow Broker DLC from the second entry, leaving many to wonder if it will play a role in the next installment of the legendary sci-fi RPG series. With Dragon Age: The Veilguard now out in the wild, BioWare is shifting its full focus toward the upcoming Mass Effect sequel, which was announced back in 2020. There has been a small but steady trail of clues about where the story of this new Mass Effect game will lead in the years since, with one of the most prominent tidbits being the return of beloved squadmate Liara T'Soni.
Liara helped Shepard take down the rogue Spectre Saren Arterius in the original Mass Effect, but she would only be featured in a minor role in Mass Effect 2. That is, until the Lair of the Shadow Broker DLC, where she recruited the help of Shepard to take down the mysterious black market information dealer known as the Shadow Broker. In addition to potentially building on the relationship between Liara and Shepard, this subplot would carry over into Mass Effect 3, with Liara becoming the Shadow Broker herself and using her newfound connections to assist Shepard in the final battle against the Reapers.

If the Next Mass Effect Has Returning Companions, One Is a Must-Have
It hasn't been revealed yet whether the next Mass Effect will feature old companions, but if it does, there's one it can't afford to leave behind.
13Now that Mass Effect Legendary Edition is being offered at an incredible discount on Steam, curious gamers are taking the opportunity to jump into BioWare’s critically acclaimed trilogy for the first time. Michael Gamble took note of this on Twitter, commenting on how many new fans are appearing in his mentions and saying how great it is to see more people checking out Mass Effect. He also recommended that these newcomers play the DLC that comes included in Mass Effect Legendary Edition, especially Mass Effect 2’s Lair of the Shadow Broker.
Mass Effect’s Michael Gamble Wants New Fans to Play Lair of the Shadow Broker
Naturally, some more experienced Mass Effect fans think that this specific mention of Lair of the Shadow Broker could be a clue about the next Mass Effect game, especially since Liara is already confirmed to be playing a major role in the new storyline. Some theorize that the player character will be an undercover N7 agent for the Shadow Broker, while others are simply recalling their favorite moments from the Lair of the Shadow Broker DLC.
New players and old Mass Effect fans alike can experience these moments and many more, either for the first time or all over again, by playing Mass Effect Legendary Edition, which is currently on sale on Steam for roughly $5. This could also be a good way to catch up on the sprawling story of Mass Effect ahead of the next entry, which will pick up where the final clash against the Reapers in Mass Effect 3 left off.