Hidetaka Miyazaki’s Comments Leave Door Open for FromSoftware’s Future

Nick Rodriguez 2024-12-09 13:01:39

But just because there won't be an Elden Ring 2, doesn't mean that FromSoftware doesn't have big plans for other exciting projects down the road. Indeed, Miyazaki's comments about an Elden Ring sequel, while perhaps disappointing, indicate that the studio is still committed to creating novel and innovative experiences rather than just building specific IP. After all, Elden Ring itself likely would never have happened if FromSoftware were to have simply stuck to making Dark Souls sequels. Of course, this means that upcoming FromSoftware releases are more shrouded in mystery, as it's difficult to imagine what the famed studio could do next. But that's part of what makes the company's future so exciting.

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FromSoftware Will Continue to Work On New Projects

After dousing hopes for an Elden Ring sequel, Miyazaki told Game Watch that FromSoftware has "multiple projects" currently in the works, with some of them being "various variations of projects." Tantalizing ambiguity aside, these comments seem to indicate that FromSoftware is pushing ahead into several new arenas, not putting all of its eggs in one basket, so to speak.

There have been rumors of a magic-centric game from FromSoftware, so perhaps this could be encompassed in the "multiple projects" Miyazaki referenced. Assuming that's the case, though, that still leaves room for at least one other in-development game, which may or may not be helmed by Miyazaki himself. FromSoftware tends to develop several games concurrently, with VR horror title Déraciné being worked on alongside Sekiro, for instance. Given the immense differences in tone and gameplay between those two titles, they may serve as a rough outline of what audiences can expect from FromSoftware in the future. That is, they can expect the unexpected, as FromSoftware certainly isn't afraid of stepping outside its comfort zone.

FromSoftware Could Be Working On Sequels or Spin-Offs to Older Games

FromSoftware has an infamous aversion to sequels, ignoring beloved IP even in the face of rampant fan demand (see: Bloodborne). This can be frustrating, but keeping eyes on the horizon is what allows for the studio's consistent innovation and creativity, especially since so many of its games are iterative of previous works. For instance, Demon's Souls and Dark Souls aren't actually connected through narrative means, but the latter is clearly a spiritual successor to the former, learning from its strengths and weaknesses.

Maybe gaming audiences will see similar relationships with future FromSoftware games; there may never be an Elden Ring 2, but there could be another sprawling open-world game, set in a completely different universe, adhering to certain tenets of soulslike gameplay. Maybe an open-world adventure with Bloodborne-like or Sekiro-like combat could be in the cards.

Armored Core 6 also set an interesting precedent for the studio. After 2013's Armored Core: Verdict Day, most familiar with the franchise assumed that it had been forgotten, usurped by the much more popular Dark Souls and its inheritors. But then, a decade later came Armored Core 6, proving that FromSoftware is open to revisiting older franchises under certain circumstances. So, even though it's been over nine years since Bloodborne was released, and more than fifteen years since Demon's Souls, perhaps these long-forgotten titles will get sequels, spin-offs, or continuations of some other sort. This could be what Miyazaki meant by "variations of various projects" in his Game Watch interview. But, as always, only time will tell what it has in store.

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