Pokemon Leak Reveals Cut Mega Evolution

J Brodie Shirey 2024-11-27 20:22:34

The recent Pokemon data leak has unearthed plenty of unused assets and details, including a cut Mega Evolution for Generation 1’s infamous Jynx. In August 2024, The Pokemon Company and longtime Pokemon developer Game Freak fell victim to a series of massive data breaches that have exposed many unproduced games, scrapped lore, and a multitude of unused Pokemon designs spanning several decades. It is being called the biggest Pokemon-related leak ever, and new things are still being discovered several months later.

Some of the ultimately unused Pokemon revealed in this massive “Teraleak” include an alternate Water starter that fans have named "Warabbit," which would have replaced Mudkip as one of the starter Pokemon options in Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire. There were also beta versions of Shroomish and Breloom, a pair of Grass types that were also introduced in Ruby and Sapphire. These and many other scrapped Pokemon names and designs have inspired fans to draw their own versions of what they might have looked like if they made it into an official Pokemon game.

Pokemon Red Blue And Yellow-1
Pokemon Red, Blue, and Yellow Leaks Explained

Many secrets have surfaced via the Game Freak Teraleak, including some leaked information about Gen 1 of the Pokemon franchise.


Yet another cut Pokemon has been revealed from the already world-shattering “Teraleak,” this time as an unused Mega Evolution for a creature that was introduced in the original Pokemon Red and Blue. Concept art for a “Mega Jynx” was recently shared on Twitter by CentroLeaks_alt (as reported by Kotaku), detailing an alternate form that would have debuted in Pokemon X and Y. Mega Jynx retains the humanoid design of its standard form, with longer blonde hair and a shimmering blue and white dress. According to notes shared by CentroLeaks_alt, Mega Jynx would have kept the original’s Ice/Psychic typing.

Jynx Almost Gained A Mega Evolution in Pokemon X and Y

Jynx is one of the most infamous Pokemon in the Pokemon Red and Blue lineup, thanks to its controversial original design. Said design was accused of resembling negative stereotypes of Black people, a controversy that led to a holiday-themed Pokemon episode never airing in the US. Game Freak addressed the issue by changing Jynx’s black skin to purple starting in Pokemon Gold and Silver, the same entry that introduced its earlier form of Smoochum.

Some Pokemon fans had already designed a hypothetical Mega Evolution for Jynx, unaware that it almost received an official one when the mechanic was introduced in Pokemon X and Y. Mega Evolutions are set to return in next year’s Pokemon Legends: Z-A, so perhaps Jynx may get a powerful new form similar to the one revealed in the recent Pokemon leak in the near future.

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