Pokemon Fan Designs Impressive Gible and Mudkip Fusion

Gabriel Machado Pureza 2024-11-27 20:20:57

A talented Pokemon fan has recently devised an artwork fusing Mudkip and Gible. Fusions are not available in any mainline Pokemon games, but this does not prevent some fans from using this popular concept to imagine unique combinations when they draw fan art.

Along with Treecko and Torchic, Mudkip was one of the three starter creatures in the third generation of Pokemon games. When selected and trained, the Water-type beast evolves into Marshtomp starting at Level 16, and then into Swampert at Level 36. Gible, on the other hand, was originally introduced in Gen 4 and is a Dragon/Ground-type critter. Like Mudkip, it has two evolutions, becoming Gabite at Level 24, and then finally Garchomp at Level 48.

Pokemon Fan Designs Variant for Snorlax
Pokemon Fan Designs Electric/Fighting-type Variant for Snorlax

A skilled Pokemon fan artist designs a new Electric/Fighting-type variant for Snorlax, a Normal-type creature that originally appeared in Gen 1.

A Pokemon fan called DarkyLights has recently shared a cute illustration depicting a fusion of Mudkip and Gible. The unnamed fusion appears at two angles, and it has Gible’s skin color, sharp teeth, and fins, but also Mudkip-inspired cheeks and paws. The artwork also comes with a shiny version of the fusion, which has pink and light yellow skin. In the post’s comments, several fans came up with unique names for the fusion, such as Giblip or Mudle. Others suggested it could easily be a regional variant for Mudkip in a tropical coastal region.

Pokemon Fan Art Imagines Fusion of Gible and Mudkip

This was not the first time a talented artist created a fusion fan art of Mudkip. Earlier this year, for example, one fan devised a fusion of Lucario and Mudkip, coming up with an unnamed Water/Fighting-type monster. In the artwork, the creature has a human-like body with Lucario’s colors but also Mudkip’s iconic head and tail.

In another recent Pokemon fusion fan art, a gamer combined Scizor and Mimikyu into an amazing new concept. This piece imagined a Mimikyu disguised as a Scizor, and it pulled off the concept perfectly, making it look as if the creature was wearing clothes that resembled the Bug/Steel-type Pokemon as it does with Pikachu in its original form.

Not all Mudkip fan art is about fusing the Water-type creature with others, though. Some months ago, a fan created a future Paradox version of Mudkip, which was greatly inspired by Chainsaw Man. Called Iron Saw, this futuristic take on the Gen 3 starter had a huge chainsaw on top of its head, as well as metallic skin that resembled a robot. Hopefully, fans will continue to create amazing fan art inspired by popular critters such as Mudkip, Gible, Mimikyu, Lucario, and others.

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