The ShadPS4 PlayStation 4 emulator is continuing to make amazing progress and is now capable of booting and running multiple console exclusives.
The latest version of the only PlayStation 4 emulator that can run Bloodborne fairly well is now capable of booting another PlayStation 4 exclusive that is likely to stay so in the foreseeable future, The Last Guardian. The game is not in a playable state whatsoever, as seen in the video below provided by BrutalSam, but the fact that the emulator can now boot the game is still impressive.
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While it will be a while until The Last Guardian will be playable on PC, the ShadPS4 emulator is more than capable of running other console exclusives like the aforementioned Bloodborne, which obviously was a priority for the developers due to its popularity, Vanillaware's Dragon's Crown Pro and Odin Sphere Leifhrasir, Gravity Rush Remastered and others. You can check out how these games, as well as over 50 other ones, currently run on the emulator in the video below put together by GAMER NO 1.